Minto Morley Reforms



  • The number of legislative members in central legislature were increased from 16 to maximum 60. Some state legislatures had also seen similar increase
  • Though non elected members continued to be in the majority, an elaborated policy was laid down for indirect elections of the members of the provincial councils who represents diverse Interest groups of the society
  • The non official member of the provincial councils elected the members for the central legislature. 
  • The power of legislature was extended to serious discussions on budget. Members can move resolution for alteration although government is not bound by that, even if passed. 
  • Matters related to military, political, provincial affairs, foreign relations, indian states and sub-judice matters were excluded from discussions. 
  • The president of legislative council can however disallow a question on the grounds of public interest or om the grounds that the natter is to be raised in the provincial council. 
  • The Act accompanied with the declaration that indians be included in governor general and council but could never be implemented. (Note : in 1907, two Indians were admitted, each one in governors council at Bombay and madras respectively)


  • Failed to check the propoganda of self government
  • No true representation. Only dominant groups like lawyers found entry
  • Overriding power and control over legislature still with executive
  • No autonomy either to provincial or Central government.
  • Does not provide for responsible government. Thus defeating a the demands of Indians. 
These drawbacks seriously effected the government over the question of constitutional reforms which thus resulted in Government of India Act, 1919. 


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