The structures of the constitution are generally federal or unitary. Federal constitution is the one in which there is clear division of power, i.e. power or authority is equally divided among different levels of government. On the other hand, unitary constitution is the one in which power is centralised or in other words, centre is more powerful and have overriding powers over the state government. 

In context of Indian constitution, the word federal is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution. This always gives rise to the debate whether Indian constitution is federal or not. 

Federal features of the Indian constitution : 

Division of power : Seventh schedule contains three list, i.e. union list, state list and concurrent list. These lists prescribed certain subjects to be dealt with by centre and state governments respectively. This shows the principle of divisional of power. 

Bicameral legislature : The Indian parliament has 2 houses namely Rajya Sabha and Lok sabha.

 Written Constitution : The India has the lengthiest written constitution in the world in which every provisions is clearly written down and discussed in details. Amending the Constitution is also not so easy task. 

Constitutional supremacy : Federalism found its base in the constitution, therefore it is necessary that the Constitution be supreme. In India Legislative, Executive and Judiciary works within the ambit of constitution. Supremacy of the constitution is also ensured by the way of Judicial review. 

Independence of Judiciary : For ensuring the federal structure an independent judiciary is necessary as to ensure the proper division of powers. In india various provisions are there to protect the tenure of judges and stable working condition as to protect any bias or undue influence. Court can also overturn any legislation or act of Judiciary as far as it is ultra vires to Constitution. 

Non-Federal or Unitary features of the Indian constitution : 

Single constitution : There is no seperate Constitution for the state and the union which is required feature of federation. 

Single citizenship : In federation, citizens have dual citizenship, however in India , citizens have only one citizenship i.e. Indian citizenship or citizenship of the country as whole. 

Rajyasabha does not represent the state equality : Equal representation in the upper house from all the sttes or constituting units is necessary in federation which is very much absent in Indian context. 

Centres control over the state : Article 356 authorizes is the parliament, in the case of President rule in state, to legislate on the matters in the state list for the concerned state. The laws thus made continue to be in force. 

State existence depends upon the centre : Existence of the state depends upon the centre. Article 3 articulates that the parliament can modify or change the boundaries of the state without thier consent. Parliament can also change the names of the entire state or of some provinces. 

Unified Judiciary : India has the the supreme court which is the highest court in the country and all other subordinate courts are under it.

Emergency proclamation : Article 356 talks about the financial emergency, during which all the division of financial resources between centre and state could be suspended by centre and centre can use those resources to meet the situation of emergency. 


Following points could prove the above statement. 
  • In legislative matters, union parliament is much more powerful. It is not only provided with exclusive powers on union list subjects and residuary subjects but also with dominant position on concurrent list. Parliament can override the state legislation on the grounds of national interest. Governors appointed by centre can withhold their consent to state legislation. Power to reorganize the state also rests with parliament. Constitution can be amended only by the central parliament.
  • In administrative matters, central government has the upper hand. Under Article 356, if the state does not work properly or if the state machinery fails, parliament can impose the emergency over there and can overthrow the state government. Also article 312 provides for the All India services, officers for which were recruited, trained and  appointed by central government but works with the state government. State governments, other than transfer cannot take any other disciplinary action against the officers. 
  • As regards to financial matters, president can alter the distribution of revenue, from incom tax, between the centre and the state. Moreover the comptroller and auditor general of India and finance commission of India, which control the state finances are central agencies. 

Judicial Pronouncements which says Indian Federalism to be overlaid by unitary features or indian constitution to be quasi-federal 

Therefore at last in nutshell it can concluded or said that Indian constitution is neither purely federal nor purely unitary, rather it is quasi-federal in nature.


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