GOI ACT, 1935



  • The dissatisfaction of people from Government of India Act, 1919 and their non cooperation to the act led to the appointment of Reform Enquiry Committee in 1924 under the chairmanship of Sir Alexander Muddiman. 
  • Majority Commission suggested for fair trail to the act while minority focuses on formation of Royal Commission to suggest constitution reforms. 
  • Royal Commission known as Simon commission was appointed in 1927. 
  • In 1930, it submitted its report suggesting no change in the federal constitution.
  • Nehru committee report was present showing the demand of people of federal and responsible government and also the willingness of Indian princes to join in the federation. 
  • 3 round table conferences were held in England. First two were failed. In the last one, white paper was issued. 
  • The paper provided for federation with autonomous provinces and the creation of responsible government at the centre as well as at the provinces. 
  • The paper arose several controversies and to satisfy them a joint select committee was formed on whose recommendation Government of India Act, 1935 was passed.


Federal Government : 

The executive : Dyarchy at the centre. Executive consists of Governor General (GG) and council of ministers. GG had to act on the advice of the council of ministers except in the matters which are left to the discretion of GG. He could regulate through ordinances ans can even act in times of emergency. GG had to act in two different capacities for Governor provinces as GG and for Indian states as crown's representative. 

The legislature : Consists of the king, represented by GG, and council of states and legislative assembly. Council of states was a permanent house with one third members retiring every third year and the term of legislative assembly was set to be 5 years unless dissolved earlier. Governor general was having the overwhelming power over the legislature. It can restrict legislature from exercising its power by using his power of veto.

The federal court : A federal court was set up in delhi witha chief justice and six other judges who hold the office till the age of 65 years unless removed earlier on the grounds of misbehavior etc. Federal court had original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. The appeal could go to privy council, against the judgement of the federal court given in its original jurisdiction and in any other matter with the leave of the privy council or of the federal court. 

Provincial Government :

The executive : The executive consisted of Governor and his council of ministers. Governor have the powers on the pattern of governor general. 

The legislature : Composition varied from province to province. Out of 11, 6 had bicameral legislature while 5 had unicameral one. In unicameral there is only one house i.e. legislative assembly. In bicameral there are two houses, i.e. legislative council and legislative assembly. Members of legislative assembly were directly elected by people and some were nominated by governor. Duration of assembly was normally 5 years and council was permanent with one third members being renewed every thrid year. Right to vote restricted to economic to education qualifications.

Working of the act : 

This act never came into operation as far as regarding the central government. On the provincial level, elections were held in 1937. Congress formed ministry in 8 out of 11 provinces and worked until 1939 when the world war II broke out and British government unilaterally declared that India was at the war with Germany. 


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