The word democracy is derived from the greek word 'demos' meaning 'people' and 'kratos' meaning 'authority or power'. There is no universal definition of democracy that has been given till now. However, according to Oxford languages dictionary, democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of the state, typically through elected representatives.

Apart from the dictionary, some political scientists and thinkers also defined democracy in thier own languages. According to Lincon, democracy is a government of the the people, for the people and by the people. Similarly Seelay defined democracy as a form of government in which everyone has a share. Some writers and thinkers also tried to define the democracy while complaining about it as Cranston defines it as, democracy is nothing but different doctrines in different people mind. Similarly C.D. Burns stated it to be, 'few words have been more loosely and variously defined than democracy. It has literally meant all things to all people.' The UNESCO while stating about democracy aslo pointed out the looseness and vagueness of the term.


Some of the features of democratic governments are :-
1. Power is exercised by all the adult citizens either directly or through free and fair elections.
2. decentralisation of government to regional and local levels.
3. Accountability of government or choosen representative to the people.
4. Protection of all the fundamental/human rights such as freedom of speech and relegion etc.
5. Free and fair elections at regular intervals.
5. commitment to the values of cooperation, tolerance and compromise. 

Thus, at the end, in the nutshell, it can be concluded that Democracy is associated with Participation, Competition and Civil and Political Liberties. 


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