Sureshta Devi V. Om Prakash summary

SURESHTA DEVI Vs. OM PRAKASH SUPREME COURT OF INDIA 1992 UNILATERAL WITHDRAW OF THE CONSENT AFTER FILING THE PETITION FOR DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT UNDER SECTION 13B OF HINDU MARRIAGE ACT Facts of the case : The appellant was married to the respondent. Later both of them filed the petition for divorce by mutual consent under section 13B of HINDU MARRIAGE ACT (HMA). Court recorded the statement of both the parties and left the matter there. After some time the wife filed the application in the court, inter alia, stating that her earlier consent was taken by the force. Therefore she plead against the dissolution of marriage. Question before the court : Whether the consent freely given by both the parties for divorce by mutual consent under section 13B can be revoked later by one party unilaterally or is it irrevocable. JUDGEMENT : The trial court found that the earlier consent of the wife was not under any type of force or coercion and was completely free. Ho...